Conferences and Meetings
Between March and October 2022, Brian Cahill was a Member of the Stakeholder Assembly on Reforming Research Assessment facilitated by European Commission, Science Europe and European Universities Association.
On 26-27th September 2022, Brian Cahill, Janet Metcalfe, Melita Kovacevic, Adam Keszler led a Workshop Session on "Exploring Practices to support Researcher Mental Wellbeing throughout Europe at the Vitae International Researcher Development Conference 2022 (VitaeCon2022) in London.
On 6th July, Stefan Mol presented a Conference Session on Creating Healthy Academic Workplaces: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go from Here? at 15th EAOHP Conference at the University of Bordeaux, France
On 9th Dec. 2021, Brian Cahill held a Training Workshop on How to ensure mental health and well-being for researchers at the EU Research & Innovation Days ASEAN 2021
On 30th October 2021, Stéphanie Gauttier held an invited talk on Wellbeing during doctoral studies: an evidence-based review of challenges and associated solutions at a symposium on Stressed and Away from Home: Mental Health in International Researchers hosted by CERFA, the Association of Spanish Researchers in Germany.
On 24th October 2021, Darragh McCashin participated in the panel Pass It Forward - Prevention and Good Mental Health Practices. How to recognize, prevent and treat? during the National Conference of Mental Health "HEALTH IN YOUR HEAD" organized by the Polish National Representation of Doctoral Students.
On 14th October 2021, Brian Cahill led a workshop session on Mental Health Awareness for PhD Candidates at the DOC's Day event organised by the Biomedical Sciences Doctoral School of KU Leuven.
On 28th September 2021, Sara Ricardo led a workshop session on How to achieve balance and avoid burnout at the invitation of the Colombian Chapter of the Organization for Women In Science for the Developing World (OWSD).
On 26th August 2021, Brian Cahill chaired a discussion panel at the EARLI 2021 on Doctoral education during the pandemic and beyond: challenges and strategies with speakers Inge van der Weijden, Janet Metcalfe, Gábor Kismihók and Alexander Hasgall.
On 15th July 2021, Inge van der Weijden and Gábor Kismihók featured in a Discussion Panel on Mental health and work-life balance at the Eurodoc Conference 2021. Gábor Kismihók's presentation on Grassroots initiatives to improve the mental wellbeing of doctoral researchers is available on Zenodo. The session can be viewed on Eurodoc's YouTube channel:
On 14th July 2021, Stéphanie Gauttier and Ana Slavec featured in a Discussion Panel on Professionalization of Supervision at the Eurodoc Conference 2021. The session can be viewed on Eurodoc's YouTube Channel:
On 7th July 2021, Darragh McCashin was invited by the ADAPT Centre to speak about Managing Researcher Mental Health at Trinity College Dublin.
On 30th June 2021, Brian Cahill held a plenary talk on How Open Science and Responsible Research and Innovation place Transferable Skills at the heart of Research Culture at the Nineteenth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities
On 29th June 2021, Brian Cahill took part in a discussion panel on A new research culture for sustainable academia at the 1st EuroScience Policy Forum.
On 21st June 2021, Brian Cahill was an impact speaker on Mental well-being and social relations in the digital world at the Una.Futura Initiatitive of Una.Europa.
On 3rd June 2021, Brian Cahill held a talk on a workshop on Publish or Perish: What About Your Mental Health? at a workshop organised by the International Researchers Working Group of UCLouvain.
On 19th May 2021, Janet Metcalfe, Gábor Kismihók and Mathias Schroijen held a Discussion Session on Researcher Mental Health Observatory (ReMO): an international network action tackling mental health issues in academia at the 2nd International Conference on the Mental Health & Wellbeing of Postgraduate Researchers organised by the UK Council for Graduate Education.
On 16th May 2021, Stéphanie Gauttier held a talk on Setting yourself up for success: understanding how to care for your mental health at the Marie Curie Alumni Association Swiss Chapter Webinar on Mental Health Policy in Science.
On 6th May 2021, Gábor Kismihók held a Short Presentation at the 3rd Annual PRIDE Conference on COST Action - Researcher Mental Health.
On 19th April 2021, Janet Metcalfe spoke in a session of the EGU General Assembly 2021 on Examining the impact of COVID-19 on research and the scientific community.
On 12th April 2021, Brian Cahill organised a workshop on Researcher Mental Health for the early-stage researchers of the Cleopatra ITN.
On 25th March 2021, Brian Cahill moderated a webinar on Researchers at Risk: The Journey, Challenges & Opportunities that was organised by the Genders, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Working Group of the Marie Curie Alumni Association.
On 12th March 2021, Stéphanie Gauttier and Darragh McCashin organised a session on Mental health and research careers: tips and tools at the Marie Curie Alumni Association Annual Conference.
On 22nd February 2021, Brian Cahill spoke about Mentoring programmes for internationally-mobile researchers in a BRiDGE 2 Science4Refugees project networking meeting for mentors of refugee researchers.
On 9th February 2021, Gábor Kismihók co-coordinated a session at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the AAAS on Preparing for Sustainable Research Careers Inside or Outside of Academia.
On 8th February 2021, Brian Cahill co-coordinated a session at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the AAAS on Mind the Gap: Bridging the Expectation Gap Between Researchers and Employers.
On 19th January 2021, Mathias Schroijen took part in a European Universities Foundation Webinar on Mental Health during your PhD.
On 2nd December 2020, Gábor Kismihók took part in a PRIDE network webinar on “Careers in academia: well-being and mental health of young researchers”.
On 18th November 2020, Brian Cahill held a Virtual Lunch Talk on "What can we do to improve Researcher Mental Health?" at the PhD Council at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Communication, Faculty of Humanities.

The ReMO COST Action on Researcher Mental Health is funded by the COST Association with support from the Horizon Europe Framework Programme of the EU under the project number CA19117.
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.