Action Meetings

Researcher Mental Health Manifesto Launch

The COST Action on Researcher Mental Health (ReMO) invites you to the launch of the Researcher Mental Health Manifesto on Monday 11th October from 14:00-15:00 CET.

Recent studies show a high prevalence of mental health issues among researchers. The ReMO COST Action involves a growing network of 240 stakeholders, who work together to identify which practices and actions are effective at creating research environments that foster mental health and well-being, reduce mental health stigma, and empower researchers when it comes to well-being in their workplace. In this Researcher Mental Health Manifesto, we present the ReMO COST Action’s call to assess how the mental health and well-being of researchers can best be nourished and sustained through actions and initiatives at the policy, institutional, community and individual levels.

The Manifesto Launch is aimed at an audience of stakeholders that includes institutional leadership, policy makers, academics of all career stages, mental health practitioners, research career advisors and doctoral school directors.

The Researcher Mental Health Manifesto Launch will feature: 

Registration is open here:

For more information, please contact the ReMO Grant Manager:
Brian Cahill,
TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology,
Welfengarten 1B, 30167 Hannover, Germany
Email: brian.cahilltibeu



Hungarian Stakeholder Meeting

In cooperation with Hungarian Young Academy, ReMO is running a Hungarian stakeholder meeting on Wednesday 6th Octtober 2021 from 16:00 until 18:00 CET. Registration is open here:
The meeting is titled "Work-life balance on the academic career path" with the main speaker being Gábor Kismihók, Action Chair of the ReMO COST Action. The event is in Hungarian and targets early-career researchers and other stakeholders from Hungary.


German Stakeholder Meeting

In cooperation with THESIS, we have collaborated on setting up a German stakeholder meeting on Saturday 18th September 2021. Registration is open here:
09:00 Welcome
09:30 Panel discussion I Mental Health In Academia - The International Perspective  (in English)
11:30 Working groups: Thematic exchange for the panel discussion
13:30 Info session: What is THESIS?
14:00 Panel discussion II (German) Mental Health in the German higher education landscape
16:15 Working groups: Thematic exchange on the panel discussion
17:45 Closing plenary
18:15 Conclusion / (with digital free beer to print out yourself)

The first panel discussion is made up of ReMO COST Action members and will present the development of a Manifesto on Researcher Mental Health within the ReMO COST Action. In the following working group phase, we would like to invite you, the participants, to get to the bottom of the topics and questions discussed in the various working groups. The aim is to gather feedback as to how the topic of mental health can be anchored within our research systems and to build these insights into a further draft of the Manifesto on Researcher Mental Health.
In the second panel discussion, the international topic discussion is broken down to the German university landscape: What do German universities and research institutions offer researchers of all career stages to mentally withstand the stress of the various dependencies (precarious working conditions, international mobility, care responsibilities, family, illness and much more)? What is that certain / more / than the work-life balance that will make academic life attractive for researchers in the future and, in all of its consequences, reasonable? And how is Germany positioned on this issue so far? In the subsequent working group phase, the topics are further discussed and deepened. Here, too, concrete results should be generated in the form of theses or political demands.



The ReMO COST Action on Researcher Mental Health is funded by the COST Association with support from the Horizon Europe Framework Programme of the EU under the project number CA19117.

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.