Abgeschlossene Projekte
An overview of current projects can be found here. The Open Research Information team of the Open Science Lab has been involved in the following projects in the past:
OPTIMETA - Strengthening the Open Access publishing system through open citations and spatiotemporal metadata

The OPTIMETA project strengthens the Open Access ecosystem by transferring citation information and spatiotemporal metadata from Open Access journals to openly accessible data sources. Open Journal Systems (OJS), the most widely used open source software for the publication of scientific journals, will be extended by means of two OJS plug-ins with crucial functionalities to collect and share the aforementioned metadata.
FID BAUdigital - Subject Information Service Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Studies digital

The FID BAUdigital is intended to support a widespread and increasingly interdisciplinary research community that is concerned with the development of digital design, planning and production methods in the building industry. The Lab Open Research Information is concerned with setting up a research information system based on VIVO to support researchers in networking and exchanging information within the specialist community.

TAPIR - Partially Automated Persistent Identifier-based Reporting
In the project TAPIR (Partially Automated Persistent Identifier-based Reporting), partially automated procedures for research reporting are being tested in the context of university and non-university research. The possibilities for realising partially automated reporting are analysed. The question is examined to what extent the necessary data aggregation can be carried out on the basis of openly available research information using persistent identifiers.
ConfIDent - a reliable platform for scientific events

In the ConfIDent project, work is being done - together with the Information Systems & Databases department at RWTH Aachen University - on the development of a service platform for scientific events. The aim of the project, which is supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG), is to make the descriptive metadata for conferences and other formats of scientific events permanently accessible and to make them available in the highest possible quality through automated processes and scientific data curation.
FAIRIO - FAIR Research Information in Open Infrastructure
The objectives of this project on FAIR Research Information in Open Infrastructures (FAIRIO) of the State Scientific and State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine (SSTL) and the Technical Information Library (TIB) is to establish a collaboration between the two institutions. To this end, the project partners will present their ongoing R&D activities to each other in order to benefit from the acquired knowledge and experience of the other institution. Furthermore, a series of workshops with experts will attempt to apply the FAIR principles to research information.
ROSI - Referenzimplementierung für offene szientometrische Indikatoren
In this project, new views and visualisations of freely licensed conventional and alternative metrics (altmetrics) were tested and their impact on the research target group was investigated. For this purpose, a reference implementation was developed that combines various metrics with data from open sources such as CrossRef Event Data API, Paperbuzz or COCI. Requirements of the target groups were collected in interviews with researchers in order to capture and evaluate different expectations and effects of scientometric indicators. The insights gained were incorporated into the reference implementation in an iterative process.
- Profile in BMBF portal for studies in higher education and research
- Registry of Scientometric Data Sources
- Reference implementation (prototype)
- ROSI-Workshops
- ROSI-Community at Zenodo
DEFF Opera
We were an International Partner in the Danish Technical University's (DTU) Open Research Analytics (Opera) project. Opera aimed to establish open and advanced research analytics practices and systems at Danish universities and in the Danish landscape of research analytics stakeholders. The focus was on obtaining and consolidating high quality citation data, enabling adequate documentation of humanities research and impact, adapting and applying innovative analytical and visualisation tools, establishing an open source system (NORA - National Open Research Analytics) aimed at and controlled by Danish actors, better recognition for open science contributions in metrics and evaluation, and extensive communication with and involvement of stakeholders.
The TIB-FIS-Discovery project involved the development of a discovery system for TIB's research information based on the KDSF-VIVO implementation at TIB to present TIB's own research activities. The developed system was presented as a prototype at Cebit 2017 and has been in productive operation since the end of the project: https://vivo.tib.eu/fis/.