The Lab Open Research Information team of the Open Science Lab is involved in a number of research and development projects. An overview of completed projects can be found here.
KOMET - collaborative enrichment of the metadata commons to foster a diverse open access ecosystem
The KOMET project promotes the transformation of science towards a diverse and participatory OA culture by supporting independent, oftentimes scholar-led OA journals in professionalising their metadata processes.
IDAHO - IDentificAtion of hurdles to open access publishing for researchers with weak institutional ties - epistemic injustice in scientific publishing
IDAHO identifies barriers and hurdles to OA publishing for researchers with weak institutional ties, assesses the impact of OA journal policies and identifies ways to remove the hurdles.
GESAH - Digitisation and specialist indexing of the Individual Graphic Sheets of the Collection of Architect Albrecht Haupt
For the indexing of the individual graphic sheets of the Albrecht Haupt Collection, an indexing environment with Vitro is being set up that is geared to the subject-specific requirements. Data, data model and software are also to be made available as open source to comparable indexing projects.