
Twice a year we invite to TIB DOI Consortium Workshops in spring and autumn via our mailing list.
Event Series DOI:


Autumn TIB DOI Consortium online workshop - Metadatafield "subject"
On 21. November 2023, the virtual "Autumn TIB DOI Consortium Workshop" took place. We were very happy about the interest and participation of the 42 participants.


Spring TIB DOI Consortium online workshop - Retrodigitalisierung und Langzeitarchivierung
Workshop DOI:
The virtual "Spring TIB DOI Consortium Workshop - Retrodigitization and Digital Preservation" took place on 02 May 2023. We were delighted with the interest and participation of the 58 participants.



DOIs for blog posts: Challenges and Best Practices
Workshop DOI:
On 28 November 2022, the virtual workshop "DOIs for Blog Posts: Challenges and Best Practice" took place. We enjoyed the interest and lively participation of the 35 participants.


Autumn TIB DOI Consortium online workshop - IGSN, ConfIDent and metadata schemas 4.5 and 5.0
Workshop DOI:
On 09 November 2022, the virtual "Autumn TIB DOI Consortium Workshop" took place. 123 representatives from 128 member institutions of the TIB DOI Consortium and PID-interested parties were interested in PIDs for specific resources (IGSN, ConfIDent) and metadata schemas 4.5 and 5.0.


Spring TIB DOI Consortium online workshop - Best practices recommendations for the DOI metadata field relatedIdentifier
Workshop DOI:
On 12 May 2022, the Spring TIB DOI Consortium online workshop took place. Over 85 representatives from 121 member institutions of the TIB DOI Consortium were interested in the latest developments and metadata best practices on the DOI metadata field relatedIdentifier.



Autumn TIB DOI Consortium online workshops - Metadata Best Practice
Workshop DOI:
On 09 November 2021, the "Autumn TIB DOI Consortium online Workshop - Metadata Best Practice" took place. Over 115 representatives from 108 member institutions of the TIB DOI Consortium were interested in the latest developments and metadata best practices.


First TIB DOI Consortium online workshop - DataCite Metadata Schema 4.4
Workshop DOI:
The first TIB DOI Consortium online workshop took place on 03 May 2021. Over 135 representatives from 101 member institutions of the TIB DOI Consortium learned about the new support materials (project pages and German DataCite Fabrica manual) and the new DataCite Metadata Schema 4.4. This was followed by a hands-on training session: REST API for beginners, in which over 60 participants gained their first practical experience with the interface.



TIB DOI Consortium: What's changing and what's next?
Workshop DOI:
On 13 November 2020, the online workshop "TIB DOI Consortium: What changes and what's next?" took place. More than 160 representatives of scientific institutions informed themselves about the current developments of the TIB DOI Consortium. The good atmosphere and the helpful participation in the one-hour event support the launch of the TIB DOI Consortium on 01.01.2021.