PID Competence Center
As a PID Competence Center, we offer a comprehensive range of services and advice on persistent identifiers (PID) and their metadata to support the sustainable findability, usability and networking of scientific resources and the people and institutions associated with them.
We are involved in the following projects and working groups.
- Support of the NFDI consortium with TIB participation, e.g. NFDI4Ing, NFDI4Chem, NFDI4Culture
- Participation EOSC Task Force “PID Policy Implementation”
- Participation KE Task Force “PID Risks & Trust”
Working Groups
- DataCite Metadata Working Group - further development of the DataCite metadata schema, incorporating feedback from members of the TIB DOI Consortium.
- ROR Community Advisory Group - Advisory group for the ROR project to provide practical experience and requirements.
- NFDI4Ing Metadata Working Group - Development of a metadata standard for the engineering sciences.
- PID Working Group in NFDI section Common Infrastructures
Research activities
The services offered and research are integrated at the TIB. The TIB coordinates several research projects dedicated to the further development of PIDs and is involved in others:
Current Projects:
- PID Network (DFG, starting in 2023) to promote a network for Persistent Identifiers in Germany
- PID4NFDI (NFDI, starting in 2024) to support FAIR research data management in NFDI
Completed Projects:
- ConfIDent 1 (DFG, 2019-2023) for the establishment of PIDs for scientific events.
- OPTIMETA (BMBF, 2020-2023) for the further development of open citation metadata and spatio-temporal metadata.
- ORCID DE 2 (DFG, 2020-2022) for the further dissemination of ORCID in Germany and the networking of scientific institutions as an ORCID community.
- TAPIR (BMBF, 2020-2022) for the development of semi-automated research reporting on PIDs.
- AtMoDat (BMBF, 2019-2022) for the branding of DOIs and the discipline-specific optimisation of metadata for meteorology and climate research.
The following publications on PIDs were published from the PID Competence Centre.
Articles & Reports
Auhunas, S.; Hagemann-Wilholt, S. et al. (2024): Persistent conference identifiers in CRIS – First implementations with VIVO and URIS. Extended abstract presented at the CRIS2024 conference in Vienna, Session 2.2 "Persistent identifiers and knowledge graphs (I)", Vienna, May 15-17, 2024.
Schrader, A. C., Hagemann-Wilholt, S., & Czerniak, A. (2023, September 8). Isn't a number and a URL enough? Why PIDs matter and technical solutions alone are not sufficient. In: 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI) - Connecting Communities, 12 – 14 September 2023, Karlsruhe (Germany), ed. by Y. Sure-Vetter, C. Goble.
Schrader, Antonia C., Arend, Daniel, Bach, Janete, Elger, Kirsten, Göller, Sandra, Hagemann-Wilholt, Stephanie, Krahl, Rolf, Lange, Matthias, Linke, David, Mayer, Desiree, Mutschke, Peter, Reimer, Lorenz, Scheidgen, Markus, Selzer, Michael, & Wieder, Philipp. (2023). Workshop on PIDs within NFDI (Version 1). Internal Workshop on PIDs within NFDI, Online. Zenodo.
Bertelmann, R., Buys, M., Kett, J., Pampel, H., Pieper, D., Scholze, F., Sens, I., Burger, F., Dreyer, B., Glagla-Dietz, S., Hagemann-Wilholt, S., Hartmann, S., Schrader, A., Schirrwagen, J., Summann, F., & Vierkant, P. (2023). PID Network Deutschland. Netzwerk für die Förderung von persistenten Identifikatoren in Wissenschaft und Kultur. Helmholtz Open Science Office.
Vierkant, Paul, Stathis, Kelly, & Dreyer, Britta. (2022). Best Practice Guidelines for the DOI Registration of Research Outputs (1.0). Zenodo.
Stathis, Kelly, Ross, Cody, Dreyer, Britta, & Vierkant, Paul. (2022). DataCite Metadata Schema 4.4 to Mapping (1.0). Zenodo.
Schnieders K, Mierz S, Boccalini S, Meyer zu Westerhausen W, Hauschke C, Hagemann-Wilholt S and Schulze S (2022). ORCID coverage in research institutions — Readiness for partially automated research reporting. Front. Res. Metr. Anal. 7:1010504.
Bingert, Sven, Brase, Jan, Burger, Felix, Dreyer, Britta, Hagemann-Wilholt, Stephanie, Vierkant, Paul, & Wieder, Philipp. (2022). Concept for Setting up the Persistent Identifier Services Working Group in the NFDI Section "Common Infrastructures" (1.0). Zenodo.
Burger, Marleen, Anette Cordts und Ted Habermann. (2021). Wie FAIR sind unsere Metadaten? Eine Analyse der Metadaten in den Repositorien des TIB-DOI-Services. In: Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement. Empfehlungen und Erfahrungsberichte für die Praxis von Forschungsdatenmanagerinnen und -managern 3, S. 1-13.
Hauschke, Christian, Nüst, Daniel, Cordts, Anette, Lilienthal, Svantje (2021). OPTIMETA – Strengthening the Open Access publishing system through open citations and spatiotemporal metadata. In: Research Ideas and Outcomes 7.
Hagemann-Wilholt, Stephanie; Plank, Margret; Hauschke, Christian (2020). ConfIDent – An Open Platform for FAIR Conference Metadata. In: Open Science Encompasses New Forms of Grey Literature. GL21 Conference Proceedings. Twenty-First International Conference on Grey Literature. Hannover, Germany, October 22-23, 2019. German National Library of Science and Technology. Amsterdam: TextRelease, S. 47–51.
Britta Dreyer, Stephanie Hagemann-Wilholt, Marleen Burger et al. (2019). Die Rolle der ORCID iD in der Wissenschaftskommunikation: Der Beitrag des ORCID-Deutschland-Konsortiums und das ORCID-DE-Projekt. In: ABI Technik 39(2).
Bertelmann, Roland; Cruse, Patricia.; Burger, Marleen; Dreyer, Britta; Hagemann-Wilholt, Stephanie; et al. (2019). ORCID DE 2 – Konsolidierung der ORCID-Informationsinfrastruktur in Deutschland.
Hauschke, C.; Hagemann-Wilholt, S.; Tullney, M. (2024): TIB signs the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information. URL:
Ziedorn, F. (2023): ORCID effektiv nutzen. URL:
Ziedorn, F. (2023): Using ORCID efficiently. URL:
Ziedorn, F. (2023): Projekt PID Network Deutschland ist online. URL:
Janowsky, T.; Hagemann-Wilholt, S. (2023): ConfIDent: FIND, BROWSE and ANNOUNCE. URL:
Hagemann-Wilholt, S.; Burger, F. (2022): It’s all about the message to be finally heard – Looking at FAIR Digital Objects (FDOs) from a PID perspective. URL:
Yücel, G., Hauschke, C., Cordts, A. (2022): OPTIMETA: Offene Metadaten für bessere Findbarkeit von Open-Access-Publikationen. URL::
Hagemann-Wilholt, Stephanie; Burger, Felix; Dreyer, Britta; Schrader, Antonia (2022): Autor:innenidentifikation mit der ORCID iD. Warum und für wen? URL:
Franken, Julian; Hagemann-Wilholt, Stephanie; Hauschke, Christian (2021): Woran erkenne ich eine wissenschaftliche Konferenz? URL:
Hagemann-Wilholt, Stephanie (2020): Wo sind all die Konferenzen hin? Die TIB baut im Projekt ConfIDent Infrastruktur für Metadaten zu wissenschaftlichen Veranstaltungen auf. TIB. URL:
Burger, F., Czerniak, A., Fischer, B., Glagla-Dietz, S., Messerschmidt, L., Pampel, H., Schirrwagen, J., Schrader, A., Vierkant, P., & Ziedorn, F. (2023). PID Network Deutschland – Vision einer vernetzten und offenen Wissenschaftslandschaft (Version 1). Zenodo.
Burger, Felix. (2022). FAIRly connected – Ressourcen vernetzen. Zenodo.
Hagemann-Wilholt, Stephanie (2019): ConfIDent - Eine verlässliche Plattform für wissenschaftliche Veranstaltungen. In: Bernhard Mittermaier (Hg.): Forschungsdaten - Sammeln, sichern, strukturieren. Jülich: Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Zentralbibliothek (Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich Reihe Bibliothek / Library, 23), S. 309–310. Online verfügbar unter
Further contributions can be found in the documentation of our workshops:
Taller, N., & Ziedorn, F. (2024, Februar 27). Einführung in Persistent Identifier - Schulung für niedersächsische Bibliotheksreferendar:innen. Zenodo.
Hagemann-Wilholt, S., Wieder, P., Martini, D., & Lange, M. (2024, Februar 20). PID4nfdi – Example Use Cases and Services for NFDI. Zenodo.
Ziedorn, F. (2023, Oktober 20). Interoperabilität - ohne PIDs kaum möglich. Zenodo.
Schrader, A., Bertelmann, R., Messerschmidt, L., Pampel, H., Vierkant, P., Glagla-Dietz, S., Kett, J., Fischer, B., Pieper, D., Summann, F., Schirrwagen, J., Czerniak, A., Dreyer, B., Hagemann-Wilholt, S., & Ziedorn, F. (2023, November 28). PID Network Germany - Network for fostering persistent identifiers in science and culture. Zenodo.
Schrader, A. C., Hagemann-Wilholt, S., & Czerniak, A. (2023, September 8). Isn't a number and a URL enough? Why PIDs matter and technical solutions alone are not sufficient. 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (coRDI), Karlsruhe, Germany. Zenodo.
Ziedorn, F., & Taller, N. (2023). PIDs und ihre Anwendung - Hands-on Workshop Persistent Identifier (PID). Zenodo.
Ziedorn, F., & Taller, N. (2023). PIDs und ihre Anwendung. Präsentation. Zenodo.
Hagemann-Wilholt, Stephanie. (2023, February 13). PID4NFDI: Survey on PID Practices. Main results. Zenodo.
Taller, Nelli; Cordts, Anette; Burger, Marleen (2021) Ein PID-Festessen für die Forschung, PIDapalooza 2021, 27. Januar 2021, online;
Hagemann-Wilholt, Stephanie (2019): Expanding the World of PIDs: Conference Identifier and their Role in Managing Metadata Quality, euroCris, 19. November 2019, Münster.
Hagemann-Wilholt, Stephanie; Plank, Margret; Hauschke, Christian (2019): confIDent - for FAIR conference metadata, 21st International Conference on Grey Literature, 22.-23. Oktober 2019, Hannover.