
The BITS project and the NFDI4Earth IG FAIRESST organised two workshops co-located with the NFDI4Earth Plenary 2024 in Dresden. The first workshop "Terminologies in Earth System Sciences - State of the Art and Existing Applications" was attended by 40 participants and the second workshop "Gaps and Desired Applications" by 18 participants.

We are looking forward to meeting all interested Earth System Science colleagues at the two workshops in Dresden. You can still register if you want to join us:

Both posters were presented at the EGU in the Earth & Space Science Informatics Session:

  1. Wolodkin, A.,  et al.: "BITS: BluePrints for the Integration of Terminology Services in Earth System Sciences".
  2. Löhden, A., et al.: "Benefits of Ontologies in Earth System Science".…

How can Terminologies increase the FAIRness of Research Outcome? What´s the status quo of their usage in Earth System Sciences? Which Best Practises exist? And how can we learn from other domains? As part of the BITS Project we are offering two Workshops for discussing and answering these questions during the NFDI4Earth Plenary in Dresden, on May…

For the development of our Terminology Service for the Earth System Sciences, BITS needs input from the community. This is why we are aiming for a close connection with NFDI4Earth. We are pleased to announce that a first step in this direction has been taken: NFDI4Earth has provided us with a web adress:

The IG FAIRESST will collect and investigate the use of semantic artefacts in the NFDI4Earth network. It will also serve as a community for proposing new terminologies and developing new tools for the ESS collection in the TIB Terminology Service. Although it is an NFDI4Earth Interest Group, it will be open to anyone interested in the topic.

The main objective of the IG FAIRESST is to provide both a situation analysis and an inventory of the application of semantic artefacts for knowledge representation in Earth System Science. Although it is an NFDI4Earth Interest Group, it will be open to all interested in this topic.

The Semantic Web for Earth and Environmental Terminology (SWEET) has been added to the TIB TS and the ESS collection.

After many virtual meetings during the application phase as well as at the beginning of the project, all project partners of the BITS project finally met in person for the kick-off on 12 October in Hannover at the TIB.

Here we discussed various aspects, starting with terminology clarifications. TIB presented the Terminology Service (TS) in the…

The ESS Terminology Service is a collection of Earth System Science terminologies and a single point of access to the latest terminology versions. The service is being developed by the BITS project and is maintained by TIB as an extension of the TIB Central Terminology Service.The ESS Terminology Service provides researchers, repository staff, and…