OPTIMETA – Strengthening the Open Access publishing system through open citations and spatiotemporal metadata

The OPTIMETA project is dedicated to strengthening the open access (OA) publishing system by integrating open citations and spatiotemporal metadata from OA journals into openly accessible data sources. In this way, we contribute to open research information and ensure better discoverability and thus visibility of OA publications. This in turn improves the attractiveness of OA journals as publication venues.

The funding period of the project OPTIMETA ended in summer 2023.

The project results from and ideas behind OPTIMETA and lay the foundation for the later research project KOMET: https://projects.tib.eu/komet

Our objectives:

  • Development of two plugins for Open Journal Systems (OJS) for the collection and transmission of geodata and citation data (geoplugin and citation plugin)
  • Promoting the networking of scientific articles and their metadata by connecting the plugins to open data sources.

In order to be able to implement the plug-ins in a user-centered manner, the development is based on a needs analysis in which the requirements for the plug-ins are formulated together with editors or operators of OA journals on the one hand and researchers on the other.

OPTIMETA is carried out by the TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and the Spatio-temporal Modelling Lab at the Institute for Geoinformatics at the Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU)  together with our partners:

Cooperation partners


Our roadmap shows what happens after the beta release.

We are pleased to announce the first beta release - codename "Bern" - of the two plugins for Open Journal Systems (OJS) developed as part of the…

We will present our OPTIMETA plugins at the Open Access Days 2022 in Bern. Visit us at the Tool Marketplace!

We will present OPTIMETA at this year's German Library Congress in Leipzig.

The talk will take place as part of the session "Daten und Normdaten" on…

We will give a lightning talk at this year's FORCE 2021 conference at 8 December 2021, 11:00 UTC (https://force2021.sched.com/event/pk6J/force11-commu…

We are pleased to participate with OPTIMETA at the Open Publishing Fest (https://www.openpublishingfest.org/) on 11/18/2021. Gazi Yücel (TIB) will…

The OPTIMETA project will present itself at this year's Open Access Days as part of the poster session.

Microsoft Academic, one of the largest academic search engines and data sources, will be shut down at the end of 2021. What does that mean? And is…

The application for the OPTIMETA project was published in the RIO Journal

Would you like to keep up to date with OPTIMETA and stay in touch with us? Follow our project @optmta on Twitter!

Follow @OPTMTA on Twitter!