Join the new NFDI4Earth Interest Group FAIR ESS Terminologies (IG FAIRESST)

The main objective of the IG FAIRESST is to provide both a situation analysis and an inventory of the application of semantic artefacts for knowledge representation in Earth System Science. Although it is an NFDI4Earth Interest Group, it will be open to all interested in this topic.

The IG FAIRESST will collect and investigate the use of semantic artefacts in the NFDI4Earth network. One focus will be on the use of tools that have been developed and used at national or international level. Examples include developments within the EOSC, in particular the FAIRCORE4EOSC project. It will also serve as a community to suggest new terminologies and the development of new tools for the ESS collection in the TIB Terminology Service. 

We aim to:

  • Monthly virtual meeting, establishment of a mailing list and shared documents (e.g. minutes)
  • Regular (annual) face-to-face meetings at the NFDI4Earth General Assembly or NFDI4Earth label workshops.
  • Publication of inventory results in data journals such as Research Ideas and Outcomes

Interested in staying informed about the next steps? Subscribe to the FAIRESST mailing list to stay in touch: