L3S Research Center

L3S is a research center for basic and applied Web Science affiliated with Leibniz University Hannover (Germany). L3S researchers develop innovative methods and technologies that enable intelligent and seamless access to information on the Web, link individuals and communities in all aspects of the knowledge society, and connect the Internet to the real world and its institutions. L3S is also focused on transferring its knowledge and technology to society and the economy. Through cooperation and joint projects in the area of information retrieval, databases, semantic web, performance modeling, service computing and mobile networks, L3S has brought together numerous computer scientists with scientists from other disciplines, such as law, library science, linguistics, psychology, sociology and economics.


Prof. Dr. Stefan Dietze is Scientific Director of Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences at GESIS (Cologne, Germany), Professor for Data & Knowledge Engineering at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf (Germany) and Affiliated Member at the L3S Research Center in Hannover (Germany). Stefan’s research interests are at the intersection of information retrieval, semantic technologies and artificial intelligence, in particular to facilitate search, consolidation and understanding of heterogeneous Web data.
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Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nejdl has been full professor of computer science at the University of Hannover since 1995. Prof. Nejdl heads the L3S Research Center and does research in the areas of search and information retrieval, information systems, data mining and recommender systems, semantic web technologies and digital libraries. He received an ERC Advanced Grant, ALEXANDRIA, to work on foundations for temporal retrieval, exploration and analytics in Web archives.

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Markus Rokicki is a Ph.D. researcher in the “Intelligent Access to Information” (IAI) group at L3S Research Center. His research interests include crowdsourcing, user analysis and predictive modeling with a focus on gamification based crowdsourcing incentives and user behavior in online food sharing communities. In addition to SALIENT, he is involved in the BMBF project “AMA – Applied Machine Learning Acadamy” and was previously involved in BMBF projects “ReSozIT” and “GlycoRec”.
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