GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences is the largest infrastructure institution for the Social Sciences in Germany. To support and enhance research in the Social Sciences GESIS provides research-based infrastructure services, such as expertise and tools for study planning, collecting, and analyzing as well as archiving research data. To keep its services on a high quality level GESIS conducts own research in Survey Design and Methodology, research on Social Structure, Attitude and Behavior in Modern Societies, and Applied Computer Science. The GESIS department “Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences” (WTS) is focused on advancing and improving digital services for the Social Sciences on the basis of novel knowledge technologies. The research areas of the department include Interactive Information Retrieval, Information Extraction and Semantic Technologies.


Prof. Dr. Stefan Dietze is Scientific Director of Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences at GESIS (Cologne, Germany), Professor for Data & Knowledge Engineering at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf (Germany) and Affiliated Member at the L3S Research Center in Hannover (Germany). Stefan’s research interests are at the intersection of information retrieval, semantic technologies and artificial intelligence, in particular to facilitate search, consolidation and understanding of heterogeneous Web data.
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Peter Mutschke is leader of the team “Open Science Technology” of the GESIS department “Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences” (WTS). His research interests include Information Retrieval, Network Analysis and Open Science. Currently, he is involved in the Open Science related EU projects “Open Mining Infrastructure for Text and Data” (OpenMinTeD) and “TraininG towards a society of data-saVvy inforMation prOfessionals to enable open leadership Innovation” (MOVING). Since 2013 Peter Mutschke serves as a member of the management committee of the research alliance “Science 2.0” of the German Leibniz Association.
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Ran Yu is a Ph.D. researcher at the department “Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences” (WTS) in GESIS (Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences). Her research interests include search as learning, user modeling, information retrieval and semantic Web. Before working in SALIENT project, she has been involved in the EU projects “DURAARK” and “AFEL” during her time in L3S Research Center. She is always keeping up with the advanced techniques and cutting edge research on machine learning, deep learning, data mining and the relevant fields.
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