A Service for Open Research Information on Conferences

How can young researchers find the relevant conferences in their field? How can researchers inform themselves about the latest research fields in interdisciplinary contexts? Conferences are an established way of academic exchange and offer the opportunity to learn about the latest developments along the entire life cycle of research – from initial ideas to already published results.

TIB – German National Library of Science and Technology and the department Information Systems & Databases at RWTH Aachen University (Chair of Computer Science 5) work together in the ConfIDent project on the development of a service platform for scientific events. Pilot communities for the project are computer science and transport and mobility research.The project is supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG). It aims to make the descriptive metadata on conferences and other formats of scientific events permanently accessible in a high quality through automated processes and scientific data curating. ConfIDent as a sustainable service addresses researchers who search for and publish information on scientific events, as well as universities, information infrastructure institutions, specialised societies, publishers and funding agencies.

Project period: December 1st 2019 until November 30th 2022

To DFG project database entry in GEPRIS

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Julian Franken spoke at #vBIB22 about how the ConfIDent project deals with predatory conferences.

Libraries have always made choices about which…

One of our main goals with ConfIDent is to build a registry of academic events without listing those that are predatory. This blog article describes…

Julian Franken and Alexander Gesinn presented the ConfIDent platform and its technical infrastructure at the SMWcon 2022.

Abstract: ConfIDent aims to…

In the published blog article we give detailed recommendations on how to best utilize the DataCite schema in order to register DOIs for academic…

At the end of the project, we offer a free workshop in which interested parties can get to know the platform and influence the further design of the…