B!SON for your institution

Please note: The processes described below refer to the provision of a institution-specific B!SON version by TIB. There is also the option for institutions to implement their own B!SON version via a TYPO3 extension. The extension code is available for this purpose. In addition to the technical requirements, both solutions differ in details of the institution-specific additional information. Please contact us if you would like more information.

B!SON can be customised with institution-specific information and thus supplement information services on publishing and open access for researchers.

In such an institution-specific B!SON version, information on local funding conditions can be displayed for the journals identified by the recommendation algorithm. These are immediately recognisable through coloured badges. More information on the logic of the coloured badges can be found here.

In addition, contact information and further links can be provided. Here you will find information on all customisation options.

How does the setup process work?

  1. Please contact us at bisontibeu.
  2. We will set up a preliminary B!SON version for your institution.
  3. We provide you with a template for the list of journals covered by contracts (central cost coverage, discounts).
  4. You check the details of your institution in this provisional B!SON version and notify us of any necessary changes.
  5. You send us back a list of the journals covered by contracts at your institution.
  6. We apply the changes to your B!SON version and enter the journals covered by contracts. 
  7. We give you feedback when the B!SON version is finalised.
  8. You integrate the B!SON version on your website, e.g.:
    1. via a simple link with explanatory text
    2. via link with B!SON logo
    3. via iFrame 
  9. If there are any changes on your site (funding conditions, journals covered by contracts, contact information), send us a short email. We will then apply the changes.

Will my organization incur costs to set up its own B!SON version?

From 2024, TIB will charge institutions a fee for setting up a customized B!SON version. Further information follows.

Which institutions are already integrating B!SON?


We will be presenting the option of configuring an institution-specific version of B!SON at this year's Open Access Tage (September 10-12, 2024 in…

We presented B!SON in a talk at this year's Open-Access-Tage 2023 (OAT23) on 29 September 2023. One focus of the talk was the possibilities for local…

We will present B!SON and our further development approaches for the recommendation system at the mini-symposium "Towards a digital Infrastructure for…