Institution-specific information

The following information can be customised by institutions in their B!SON version:

  • Explanatory texts above and below the search mask / results list / journal detail view (gray boxes)
  • URL, contact email and logo in the bottom gray box
  • Designation of the colored badges used to provide funding information for each journal 
  • Explanatory texts for the colored markings ("Tool tip" on mouseover)

All information can be stored in English and German and is displayed in the appropriate language according to the selected B!SON language version.

In addition, the following information is stored for the correct assignment of the colored badges for the institution:

  • Journals for which funding is not possible (e.g. Mirror Journals)
  • Journals covered by contracts (flat-rate agreements, centralized cost coverage, transformation contracts, discounts)
  • Price cap
  • Permitted Licenses

This is what the coloured badges look like in the list of results of the journals identified by the B!SON recommendation algorithm:

Criteria for the appearance of the coloured badges at the journals

Green: "no APC charged"

  • The journal does not raise an APC (information by DOAJ).

Blue: "covered by an OA agreement"

  • The journal raises an APC (information by DOAJ).
  • The journal is covered by a contract for cost coverage (e.g. DEAL for German institutions, publisher-specific contracts). This information is deposited via an ISSN list for each institution to the respective B!SON version. 

Yellow: "APC may be covered"

The journal does meet the following institutional criteria for reimbursement that B!SON has the information to verify:

  • APC is under price limit, if institution has set a price limit (information by DOAJ).
  • The licence requirements are met (information by DOAJ).
  • Journal is not listed in the list of Mirror Journals.

All criteria must be fulfilled at the same time for the yellow badge (AND operation). The exact criteria (price limit, if existent, predefined Creative Commons licence variants, "mirror journal" status relevant or not) are defined by the institution for their B!SON version.

Red: "not eligible"

The journal does NOT meet the institutional criteria for reimbursement listed above for the yellow badge. If one of these conditions is not met, the red badge is shown (OR operation). 

Please note: The exact wording on the badges (e.g. "no APC charged" for the green badge) is defined by the institution individually for their B!SON version. 


We will be presenting the option of configuring an institution-specific version of B!SON at this year's Open Access Tage (September 10-12, 2024 in…

We presented B!SON in a talk at this year's Open-Access-Tage 2023 (OAT23) on 29 September 2023. One focus of the talk was the possibilities for local…

We will present B!SON and our further development approaches for the recommendation system at the mini-symposium "Towards a digital Infrastructure for…