IO1 - Online training and mentoring principles for mental health and career management
OSCAR Training and Mentoring Framework
The OSCAR Training and Mentoring Framework document describes the theoretical and conceptual framework of OSCAR's researcher well-being and career development training and mentoring programme. Moreover, it also shows a possible role of an on-line, intelligent and personalized learning service in researcher education.
The framework is available as an Open Access document: Gábor Kismihók, Inês Gaspar, Joe Delaney, Mathias Schroijen, Mohammadreza Tavakoli, Abdolali Faraji, Hasan Abu-Rasheed, Stéphanie Gauttier, Stefan T. Mol, Christian Weber, Ana Raquel Santa Maria, & Renaud B. Jolivet. (2022). OSCAR Conceptual and Technical Framework for Researcher Well-being and Career Development Training and Mentoring. Zenodo.
Legal and privacy guidelines for the personalised learning environment
The legal and privacy guidelines document summarises the legal framework of the open learning recommendation prototype (eDoer), what OSCAR is using and contributing to by its developments. The document includes the 'Terms of Use' and the information on data protection of the prototype hosting organisation TIB. TIB's actual full privacy statement is available here.
Ethical Principles for the OSCAR Well-being Mentoring Program
This document describes the ethical principles (code of conduct) of well-being mentoring within the frames of the OSCAR project. The main purpose and goal of the OSCAR well-being mentoring program is to support mental health, and the developing of well-being competencies and skills. These principles are available in an Open Access document: Carolina Oliveira Borges, Francisco Valente Gonçalves, Inês Gaspar, & Joana Jesus. (2022). Ethical Principles for OSCAR Well-being Mentoring Program. Zenodo.
IO2 - Open, Dynamic, Labour Market Information Based Curriculum and Learning Content Recommendations
Customization and mentoring function implementation in the personalised learning environment
This document describes the first version of the mentoring service for the OSCAR project. It is designed and implemented in the eDoer open, personalised learning platform, powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). The report is available as an Open Access document: Mohammadreza Tavakoli, Abdolali Faraji, & Gábor Kismihók. (2022). Mentoring function implementation in the personalised learning environment of the OSCAR project. Zenodo.
The personal learing dashboard and its mentoring component are available without any restrections for all learners and users in OSCAR's open digital learning environment:
Knowledge Graph Implementation Roadmap for our Personalised Learning Environment
In the scope of OSCAR project's personalized learning environment (eDoer), student decisions about their learning paths are supported with a recommender system. The recommendation provides the user with suggestions about topics and learning materials to study, in order to gain skills that enable them to perform a corresponding job. The knowledge graph based recommender system is designed to utilize the collected data about users, jobs, skills, topics, and OERs, in which the eDoer platform is organized into, in order to predict the relations between a certain user and the skills, topics or OERs that enables them to reach their pre-defined learning goals best. The focus on the graph not only enables contextualized decisions, but also provides the structural richness to provide multi-element recommendations as learning paths.
The conceptualization of the data model used for the educational content is available as an Open Access document: Christian Weber, & Hasan Abu-Rasheed. (2022). Knowledge Graph Implementation and Contextual, Graph-based Learning Path Recommendation Roadmap for the Personalized Learning Environment in the OSCAR Project. Zenodo.
The report (August 2023) is also available as an Open Acess document: Christian Weber, & Hasan Abu-Rasheed. (2023). OSCAR Knowledge Graph and Contextual, Graph-based Learning Path Recommendation Algorithm for the Personalized Learning Environment eDoer. Zenodo.
IO3 - Researcher Mental Health Training and Mentoring Programme
Mental Wellbeing Skills Curriculum
The curriculum of mental wellbeing related skills, including learning topics and related learning content, is implemented in the open digital learning environment (eDoer) for testing and experimentation. The curriculum currently contains the following skills:
- Stress management
- Emotion Regulation
- Recognizing and Understanding Emotions
- Psychological Resilience
- Goal Setting
- Awareness of well-being
- Finding a Work-Life Balance
- Finding Meaning in Life
- Finding Meaning in Work
- Dealing with Perfectionism
This curriculum is available for all learners and users of the learning environment without any restrictions. To start learning the topics in the curriculum and accessing the content, a registration on the platform is required. Registration is also open for everyone, accepting the terms of use of the prototype.
The content is also available through the eDoer Learning App (Alpha test version). This app is available for Android devices in Google Playstore.
Mentoring Concept for Mental Wellbeing
This document describes the well-being mentoring principles and guidelines of the OSCAR project. The main purpose and goal of the OSCAR well-being mentoring program is to support mental health, and the developing of well-being competencies and skills. These objectives are well in-line with the recently published Researcher Mental Health and Well-being Manifesto. The mentoring concept is available as an Open Access document: Carolina Oliveira Borges, Francisco Valente Gonçalves, Inês Gaspar, & Joana Jesus. (2022). OSCAR Well-being Mentoring Program. Zenodo.
IO4 - Researcher Career Development Training and Mentoring Programme
Career Development Skills Curriculum
This online training includes a number of learning topics and related learning content, which are implemented in the open digital learning environment (eDoer) for testing and experimentation. The curriculum is available for all learners and users of the learning environment without any restrictions. It currently contains the following courses:
- Goal Setting
- Procastination
- Delegation
- Time Management
- Personal Productivity
- Planning
- Project Management
- Communication
- Resilience
- Career Planning
Each online training includes a number of learning topics and related learning content, including for instance goal setting techniques and delegation skills, developing resilience, and improving personal productivity.
The content is also available through the eDoer Learning App (Alpha test version). This app is available for Android devices in Google Playstore.
Mentoring Concept for Career Development
This document describes the career development mentoring principles and guidelines of the OSCAR project. The main purpose and goal of the OSCAR career development mentoring program is to support sustainable employment of reserarchers, as it is also stated in the Declaration of Sustainable Researcher Careers. The mentoring concept is available as an Open Access document: Joe Delaney, & Mathias Schroijen. (2022). OSCAR Career Coaching & Mentoring Program. Zenodo.
IO5 - Online Researcher Mental Health and Career Management Training and Mentoring Pilots
The concepts and methods developed in the frames of the OSCAR project have been tested both conceptually - through a number of Focus Group sessions - and also practically - through OSCAR pilots. Altogether 8 Focus Groups sessions have been organised in two thematic areas.
Recommendation methodology (6 sessions):
- Session 1 (16.02.2022, 11:00-12:30), 2 (16.03.2022, 11:00-12:30) and 3 (24.03.2022, 09:00-10:30) were focussing on the OSCAR knowledge graph development.
- Session 4 (09.06.2022, 09:00-11:00) was focussing on user contextual modelling.
- Session 5 (20.12.2022, 13:00-17:00) and 6 (to be conducted on 06.02.2023 13.00 - 17.00) were focussing on knowledge graph and recommender system evaluation.
The report on focus groups on knowledge graph development is available as an Open Access document: Christian Weber, Hasan Abu-Rasheed, & Mathias Schroijen. (2023). OSCAR Focus Groups on Knowledge Graph and Graph-based Recommender System Evaluation. Zenodo.
Mentoring and training methodology (2 sessions):
- Session 1 (27.05.2022, 13:00-14.30) and 2 (11.07.2022, 13:00-14.30) were focussing on the OSCAR conceptual framework for mentoring and training. Both the Focus Group planning document and the Reports from Focus Group 1 and 2 are available publicly as Open Access documents.
All these sessions have been evaluated during the OSCAR piloting and evaluation period in 2023.
OSCAR Pilots

Subsequently to the focus groups, two OSCAR pilots were organised in 2023 (16.03.2023; 12.04.2023). The exact schedule and the outline of the pilots is documented here:
The evaluation and presentation of key findings from the mentoring sessions have also been part of the the hybrid conference organized by OSCAR project partners and can be found on our event page.
IO6 - Learning and Mentoring Evaluation and Exploitation
Learning and Mentoring Evaluation
Evaluating the OSCAR project is an important process that helps provide feedback and
reflection on the workshops successes, while also scoping areas for improvement.
The evaluation implemented in OSCAR has four central objectives:
- To understand participant needs prior to workshop deployment
- To evaluate the design and user experience using the eDoer application within theboundaries of the mentoring workshops
- To understand and evaluate workshop participants learning experience with respect to the mentoring workshops content and how the workshops were conducted
- To evaluate the overall organisation of the workshops
To meet these objectives, the evaluation design is explained, the results of the evaluation design are presented and summarised.
The evaluation report and survey instruments are available as Open Access documents:
Scott Harrison. (2023). OSCAR Learning and Mentoring Evaluation. Zenodo.
Scott Harrison. (2023). OSCAR Survey Instruments. Zenodo.
OSCAR Learning and Mentoring Exploitation Plan
In order to achieve an efficient strategic planning regarding the exploitation of the OSCAR project after its end, we used several tools to assess the external macro-environmental factors that could impact the eDoer and the OSCAR methodology. We made a brief analysis on political, economic, social and technological factors in order to understand the broader context in which OSCAR operates. We also made a SWOT analysis of the OSCAR project in order to assess its internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. In order to understand the market landscape the competitor analysis helps to gain a clear understanding of the overall market dynamics including the top content curator applications and platforms.
The OSCAR Learning and Mentoring exploitation plan is available as an Open Access document: Szidonia Rusu, Emese Vita, Gábor Kismihók, Francisco Valente Gonçalves, Inês Gaspar, Mathias Scroijen, & Ádám Keszler. (2023). OSCAR Learning and Mentoring Exploitation Plan. Zenodo.