Citizen Science Skilling for Library Staff, Researchers, and the Public

About: A practical guide designed to assist those organising and participating in a citizen science project to get the most out of the experience. The guide will enable you to have the skills to ensure a project is well set up from the start, is able to communicate to its stakeholders, manage its data and outputs, and overall ensure research benefits.
Production: Multi-format production, PID and Wikidata provision, print-on-demand and ebook distribution using Ingram services.
Outcomes: First publication to be entered into Wikidata. Researching Open Peer Review with the COPIM network. Application of strict content templates for guide production.
Collaboration: LIBER Citizen Science Working Group; COPIM
Date: November 2021
The Open Science Training Handbook – 11 language translations

About: A group of fourteen authors came together in February 2018 at the TIB (German National Library of Science and Technology) in Hannover to create an open, living handbook on Open Science training. High-quality training is fundamental when aiming at a cultural change towards the implementation of Open Science principles.
Production: Convened and moderated the book sprint, published the book.
Outcomes: Translation into 11 languages
Partners: FOSTER
Funder: EU Horizon 2020
Date: 2018 first edition. Translations current and ongoing (2021)
eco Blockchain Governance Framework

About: On behalf of the Internet industry association eco, TIB helped to implement the Book Sprint format online in an advisory and accompanying capacity in the pandemic year 2021. In a series of online-only events, the eco Blockchain Governance Framework - eBGF was further developed and consolidated.
Date: 2021
Lehrbuch für den Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienst

About: The Academy of Public Health produced a series of textbooks for the Public Health Service in 2019 and 2020. As part of this project, which was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Health, TIB not only advised and supported the overall process, but also developed a publishing pipeline based on Git repositories and open software.
Date: 2020
CoScience - Gemeinsam forschen und publizieren mit dem Netz

read (German)
About: The everyday work of scientists has changed dramatically in recent years. Researching, writing and publishing are now strongly characterised by network-based applications. The digital age, however, has not only produced new technical tools, but also opened up new ways of generating and disseminating knowledge. This is true both within and beyond the academic world. Working with the web challenges our previous established scientific practices. Research is increasingly networked, collaborative, multimedia, trans- or interdisciplinary. This handbook describes these emerging scientific practices. The authors' aim was to write a practical and easy-to-understand handbook. DOI:
Date: 2014
Crisis Management - Textbook for Public Health Services

About: Crisis management has gained considerable importance in recent years, especially in the public health service (ÖGD). In principle, the decision-making authority in the context of crisis management of infectious hazard situations lies with the municipal public health departments.
Production: Technical and book sprint support provided to produce a multi-format book and MOOC module by twelve medical experts. The production went into immediate use in public health student training at the start of the COVID pandemic in March 2020.
Outcomes: The first use of GitHub as a central storage and GitHub pages use.
Partner: Academy for Public Health Dusseldorf
Funder: Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (BMG)
The Open Science Guide of Guides

About: In this compendium, we compile important guides with their specific features and fields of application. The book was written as part of a student seminar at the Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Topics include: Knowledge Justice, Data Science, Citizen Science, and Open Access Publishing.
Production: Students of the Open Knowledge created the complete book production in Fidus Writer and GitHub. Tasks for the students were to compile a list of four guides per topic, create CSS styling for the publication and deposit the final published work on Zenodo.
Outcomes: This was the first time the collaborative book process was used as a method for teaching how to apply high quality Open Access publishing practices to create maximum visibility and reuse of a publication.
Partners: Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts, GenR Open Science blog.
Date: June 2021
Open Access Strategy for the State of Brandenburg

About: In 2019, Prof. Dr. Ellen Euler was commissioned by the state of Brandenburg to develop the state's Open Access strategy; book-sprint methods were used in an advisory and accompanying capacity with experts from the TIB.
Date: 2021
Abschlusspublikation eLearningÖV

About: The TIB provided consulting support to the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV) and other partners in their eLearningÖV project to design the final publication of the project in an online book sprint.
Date: 2021