Early career researchers are sometimes overwhelmed by the huge amount of academic events (e. g. conferences) that might be relevant to them. Even…

We have (probably) registered the first DOI for an academic event…

We have released version v0.3.1 of the Academic Event Ontology - AEON (https://github.com/tibonto/aeon/releases/tag/v0.3.1).

Philip Strömert and André Castro will talk at the SMWCon 2020 on the 25th of November about how they imported a RDF file of the Academic Events…

On May 27th 2020, Julian Franken will present ConfIDent at #vBIB - die virtuelle Konferenz rund um bibliothekarische Themen. Further information: http…

ConfIDent will be presented at PIDapalooza taking place in Lisbon, Portugal, January 29th/30th 2020: "PID Party! Enter the Feedback Loop". Further…

"Expanding the World of PIDs: Conference Identifier and their Role in Managing Metadata Quality". Further information: https://eurocris.uni-muenster.d…

"ConfIDent - An Open Platform for FAIR Conference Metadata".

"CEUR-WS.org: Open-Access as a Community Effort". Central data sources in the field of computer science were presented as well as how to use these in…