B!SON will be presented at Open-Access-Tage 2021

At the virtual conference "Open-Access-Tage 2021" in September, Josephine Hartwig (SLUB) will provide insights into the current work in the B!SON project.

The talk "B!SON - Recommendation Service for Quality Assured Open Access Journals" will take place in the session "Value Added Services around Open Access"  (in German language). The core of the talk will be a presentation of the results of the requirements analysis. An online survey was conducted to find out which criteria scientists use to find the right journal for their results. In addition, libarians conducting publication advice services were asked about their experiences in advising researchers on this question by means of qualitative interviews. The findings and conclusions from these surveys will be discussed with the participants during the talk. We look forward to discussing these issues with you!

More information about the conference can be found here (in German language).