
Hjördis Czesnick on Research Integrity as Part of a Wider Research Culture

Irina Guseva-Canu on Bridging Theory and Practice in Preventing Occupational Burnout

Özgün Ünver on Bridging Theory and Practice in Preventing Occupational Burnout

Susanne Täuber on Bullying and Harassment in Academic Settings

Morteza Mahmoudi on Bullying and Harassment in Academic Settings

Stéphanie Gauttier, Luisa Solms, Claudia Dobrinski - Perspectives from the Researcher Mental Health Ambassador Training School

Joshua Barker and Lynn Ossher - Promoting a Healthy Lab Culture at the University of Toronto

Noémie Aubert Bonn and Karen Stroobants - Reform of Research Assessment

Jaishree Subrahmaniam - Interventions to support belonging in Academia

Tiffany Sprague, Jenny Lind Elmaco and Luisa F. Echeverría-King - Gender and Mental Health in Academia: Global Perspectives

Milica Vukelic - Evidence-base in regard to Researcher Mental Health: View through ReMO Zotero library looking glass

Darragh McCashin - Understanding the Psychology of "Impostor Syndrome" in Academia and Beyond

Stéphanie Gauttier and Darragh McCashin - Virtual Seminar on Well-being of Young Researchers

Serhii Levchenko - Survey of the Mental Health of Researchers in Ukraine

Why should Institutions support the ReMO Survey?

Why should Researchers support the ReMO Survey?

Being an Ambassador for Researcher Wellbeing - Stéphanie Gauttier

Mental Health First Aid in Academia - Hendrik Huthoff

Mental Health First Aid in Academia - Olga Vvedenskaya

Researchers and the War in Ukraine

Tom Adams - OEduverse: Role of Researcher Mental Health in Creating a Better Research Environment

Petra Ardai - OEduverse: Communication and Storytelling in Creating a Better Research Environment

Ivo Grigorov - OEduverse: The role of Open Science in Creating a Better Research Environment

ReMO COST Action Chair, Gábor Kismihók, addresses the mental health crisis among researchers

ReMO Manifesto: Janet Metcalfe calls for systemic change in European research environments

ReMO Manifesto: Stefan Mol calls for improved Well-Being Practices in Research Institutions

Darragh McCashin: ReMO Manifesto calls for promoting researcher well-being on a practical level

Stéphanie Gauttier sums up the Researcher Mental Health and Well-being Manifesto

Gábor Kismihók at Hungarian Stakeholder Meeting: Munka-magánélet egyensúly a kutatói élepályán - Work-life balance on the academic career path

Gábor Kismihók at German Stakeholder Meeting: Inititiatives to improve the mental well-being of researchers

Presentation at THESIS Online Symposium "Wissenschaft - eine mentale Herausforderung"

Stéphanie Gauttier at German Stakeholder Meeting: "Referent: a peer-to-peer mental health mentoring initiative"

Presentation at THESIS Online Symposium "Wissenschaft - eine mentale Herausforderung"

Martin Grund at German Stakeholder Meeting: "Power Imbalance in Doctoral Supervision"

Presentation at THESIS Online Symposium "Wissenschaft - eine mentale Herausforderung"

Stefan Mol at German Stakeholder Meeting: "Research Mental Health: An evidence-based approach to influencing Institutional Practice"

Presentation at THESIS Online Symposium "Wissenschaft - eine mentale Herausforderung"

Stéphanie Gauttier and Ana Slavec speak in a session on "Professionalization of Supervision" at the Eurodoc Conference 2021

Gábor Kismihók and Inge van der Weijden speak in Session on "Mental health and work-life balance" at the Eurodoc Conference 2021

Neda Bebiroglu - OECD recommendations for reducing the precarity of research careers

Cláudia Sarrico - Findings and insights of the OECD report on reducing the precarity of research careers

Brian Cahill speaks on "ReMO network: Transnational Impact in the field of Researcher Mental Health"

Second part of Mohamad Nadim Adi's interview by the Voices of Academia Podcast

Mohamad Nadim Adi was interviewed by the Voices of Academia Podcast

Jana Lasser discusses how the N2 network assessed the Well-being of Early-Career Researchers

Vanessa Pires reports on advocacy for improved work conditions for early-career researchers

Ingeborg Meijer speaks in ReMO webinar on "Mental Well-being of Leiden University PhD candidates".

Inge van der Weijden speaks in ReMO webinar on Mental Well-being of Leiden University PhD candidates

Stefan Mol of the University of Amsterdam introduces how Working Group 2 will work to address mental health issues within research institutions

Janet Metcalfe of Vitae introduces how ReMO's Working Group 1 will work to address researcher mental health at a system level

Darragh McCashin introduces the work of ReMO's Working Group 3 on Local Actors - Promoting researcher well-being on a practical level

Mathias Schroijen speaking at European Universities Foundation webinar on Mental Health during your PhD

Gábor Kismihók speaking at PRIDE Webinar – Research Careers, well-being and mental health

The ReMO COST Action on Researcher Mental Health is funded by the COST Association with support from the Horizon Europe Framework Programme of the EU under the project number CA19117.

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.