Project Coordinator: TIB

Dr Gábor Kismihók is the head of the Learning and Skills Analytics research Group at TIB. He concentrates his research efforts on matching processes between education, labour market, and individuals. Previously he co-founded the Center of Job Knowledge Research at the University of Amsterdam, and supervised there 5 PhD students in the fields of HRM - data science and learning analytics. He is also a regular supervisor of MSc and BSc student theses. He published his research in various peer-reviewed international journals and book chapters in the fields of Learning Analytics, Technology Enhanced Learning and Knowledge Management. In the past years he has been busy with various EU funded research projects (FP7, FP7 Marie Curie ITN, Lifelong Learning Programme) focused on employability, person - organization fit, mobile Learning Management System development, context aware educational systems and semantic technology in education. Besides scientific research, he has been managing large scale innovation networks (e.g. with a budget of 3,7M EUR (working staff of 25-30 people) and smaller scale innovation projects (e.g. with a budget of 500K EUR (working staff of 10-15 people). He has also been busy writing successful research project proposals (FP7, FP7 MC ITN, EU LLP, TAMOP). He is a member of expert panels reviewing proposals for EU funding.
Mohammadreza Tavakoli is a doctoral researcher in the Joint Lab of TIB and the Research Center L3S. He is working on projects bridging labour market and education. He has an M.Sc. in Computer Science from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, and a B.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Shiraz, Shiraz, Iran. During his master, he focused on User Behaviour Analysis in the most popular Question and Answer website for programmers. He was also a Teaching Assistant for multiple courses at Sharif University. Before joining L3S and the TIB, he was a team leader and data scientist at Digikala (the biggest E-Commerce company in the middle east) where he analysed customer behaviours.
Abdolali Faraji is a PhD candidate in the Learning and Skills Analytics research Group at TIB Hannover. He received his bachelor’s degree at Shiraz University, Iran in Software Engineering working on Software Design and Distributed Systems. Ali is currently finishing his Master’s at RWTH Aachen focusing on Automatic Quality Prediction of Online Educational Content. He also has a few years of experience as a senior software developer and software design consultant in Iran. Currently, his main focus is UX design and technical development.
Dr Brian Cahill works in the Learning and Skills Analytics Lab of the Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology in Hannover as Grant Manager of the COST Action CA19117 on Researcher Mental Health. He is a Member of the Governing Board of EuroScience and was Chair of the Marie Curie Alumni Association from March 2016 to February 2018. In these roles, he engaged with early-career researchers on topics ranging from researcher career development, innovation, research funding, science communication, science policy, researcher pensions, research integrity, responsible research and innovation and many more.
University of Siegen
Dr Christian Weber is a post-doc researcher with the Institute of Knowledge-Based Systems and Knowledge Management (KBS & KM), University of Siegen, Germany. Christian has defended his PhD thesis for examination with the University of Budapest, Hungary. The focus of his PhD is on developing a semantic and structure-aware concept importance measure for concepts within domain ontologies for the scope of technology enhanced learning. He received his Diploma in Computer Science in Electrical Engineering Application from the University of Siegen, Germany. For his diploma thesis, he is awarded with the student award of the district of Altenkirchen, Germany.
Within his work, he gained experiences in industrial and research collaborations on national and international level. Within the currently running DFG project ADISTES, he supervises and researches the use of ontologies as a formal specification within the field of embedded systems and their application for active diagnosis, using state of the art machine learning methods. He taught courses on business intelligence and Python programming with a focus on text mining at the Corvinus University Budapest and the Central European university. Furthermore, he collected industrial experiences, working for the Elmos Semiconductor AG, where he supported high technology processes with artificial intelligence solutions for fault detection and classification.
His research interests include intelligent systems and semantic technologies, machine learning and industry 4.0 applications, with a strong focus on supporting human and process centred applications. He has long-term experiences with coordinating and participating in funded activities on the local, national and European scale, encompassing education, technology enhanced learning and semantic web and data mining such as Eduworks (ITN), Pro-Nursing (Erasmus+), ADISTES (DFG), iDev40 (Ecsel), regular direct industrial collaborations, and supervision and curriculum development and is part of the decoding the disciplines initiative.
Hasan Abu-Rasheed is a PhD candidate in the field of explainable recommender systems for technology enhanced learning. He finished his master's degree in Mechatronics in the institute on Knowledge Based Systems and Knowledge Management, University of Siegen, focusing on the field of educational hybrid-recommendation systems. Before and during his PhD study, he worked for several years as a university assistant-lecturer and STEM-program trainer, developing curriculums in both domains. His current research is focused on supporting students with intelligent learning environments that offer transparent and understandable recommendations, namely using semantic technologies, XAI, and conversational AI.
Inês Gaspar is a certified Psychologist and a member of the Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (OPP), the Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen (NIP) and the American Psychological Association (APA). She has a Master’s Degree in Psychology, in Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions from FPCEUC, and several post-graduate courses (more than 500 hours) in Cognitive Behavioral Therapies and Third Generation Therapies (mindfulness and compassion, among others). Since 2017, Inês has been working in private practice in Amsterdam, with adults (mostly expats and students) from different nationalities and backgrounds, and in 2018, she joined the RUMO’s team of Psychologists, where she has been developing her skills of psychological assessment and intervention, as well as creating and facilitating mindfulness courses for business clients and participating in research projects.
Francisco Valente Gonçalves has been a certified psychologist by the Portuguese Body of Psychologists since 2011 and was in 2019 given the credential of specialization in clinical psychology by this professional body. He holds a PhD in Criminology and Psychology from the University of Leicester, a MSc in Psychocriminology from ISPA-IU, a BSc in psychological Sciences carried at ISPA-IU and Universitat de Valencia and Postgrad Diploma in Psychodynamic Psychotherapeutic Intervention by CRIAP. Throughout his career, Francisco has been focusing on topics related to personality assessment, investigative interviewing, motivation and bias in performance. With Carolina Borges, Francisco founded NGO Instante Falante and its products such as RUMO. Francisco also acted as a manager at EY within the Forensic & Integrity Services team where he is focused on topics related to integrity, compliance and ethics. Throughout his career, he won a number of international awards and recognitions, such as 2021 Best Practices in Psychology | Honorable Mention with RUMO project by OPP (2021), Top 3 European Young Researchers of 2020 (EuroScience), Social Impact Award – Marie Curie Alumni Association (2019), MSCA Bridging Career Paths – European Commission (2018), and Graduate Dean Award – University of Leicester (2017).
Carolina Oliveira Borges has a degree in Psychological Sciences and a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology. Since 2020 she holds the credential of specialization in clinical and health psychology by Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (OPP). Between 2009 and 2012 she collaborated with the Research Team of Social Adventure project, supporting national and international mental health awareness and prevention programs (e.g., TEMPEST; RICHE; HBSC). Carolina started her clinical work in 2011, at the Institute of Psychology of the University of São Paulo, Brazil, where she worked within a community and hospital context, developing skills of assessment, intervention and psychological support, particularly for adults with severe mental illness and children and adolescents with developmental disorders. In 2013, at the Hospital de Santa Maria, in Lisbon, she continued her clinical practice at the Center for Suicide Studies (NES). Clinical work highlights the screening of young people with self-harm behaviors and suicide attempts, psychotherapy to support adolescents, family intervations and therapeutical and psychoeducational groups. In 2015, she started her private clinical practice. Throughout her career, she added other complementary training in the field of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapies, Psychological First Aid and Psychological Intervention in Catastrophe situations. In 2018, she began her specialization in Gestalt Psychotherapy, at the Associação Portuguesa de Gestalt (APG), prioritizing the personal and professional growth that clinical practice requires.
SciLInk Foundation
Ádám Keszler, before starting a PhD in knowledge management, he graduated as an economist at the University of Debrecen, specializing in management and leadership. Ádám is an experienced project manager, as he has been leading multiple successful international projects in multinational industry environments. He also has an excellent track record in exploitation of project outputs. He has been working at the SciLink Foundation as the Managing Director since 2019, where the aim is to help early stage and experienced researchers to improve their transversal skills.
Joe Delaney is founder & managing director of Career & Life Planning. He has developed his own unique Coaching and Change Management Methodology called the “5 Steps to Success” which is used by the company help our clients achieve a more Enjoyable & Successful balance in both their personal and professional lives. Originally from Ireland, Joe lived in the US for 10 years. He has over 20 years’ experience and worked previously in Boston with American Express, Thomson Financial, Harvard University and a private jet leasing business before joining a Specialist Recruitment Company. When he returned to Ireland, he spent 10 years with BDO (Professional Services Firm) as Director of Recruitment Services and worked with many US Multinationals in Ireland recruiting professional and senior management roles.
In 2013, Joe set up his own company and exclusively runs the Executive Coaching division of the business which will be the main area that will upport this programme. He is a qualified coach and in addition to being a member of the Institute of Coaching with Harvard Medical School, he is also a member of the European Mentoring & Coaching Council as well the Life & Business Coaching Association of Ireland. Joe is a certified practitioner and regular assessor of psychometric reports with Thomas International. He is also a qualified trainer and has both a Diploma & MSc. in Marketing. He is a facilitator of “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” & “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” with Franklin Covey. He has also developed a suite of programmes suitable for corporations, individuals and teens based on his Coaching Methodology.
Marie Curie Alumni Association
Scott Harrison is a post-doctoral researcher within the Leibniz-Institute für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation in the field of technology enhanced learning where he is working on new measures to analyze the results of the Pisa study. He worked previously at the Institute of Knowledge-Based Systems and Knowledge Management (KBS & KM), University of Siegen, Germany. Scott graduated from his PhD studies at the University of New England, Australia. The focus of the PhD was linking the fields of learning analytics and economics by analysing Early Alert Systems (EAS), the link EAS have to student retention and the financial implications EAS have to institutions. Scott holds a Bachelor of Economics (with Honours
- First Class) from the University of New England, with a major in econometrics. Scott has experience in lecturing quantitative units, including business statistics, micro and macroeconomics, and survey method and design. His research interests include the development of the business case for learning analytics and knowledge.
Dr Stéphanie Gauttier is an Assistant Professor in Information Systems at Grenoble Ecole de Management (France). She is currently Chair of the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) Policy Group. Stéphanie is the co-coordinator of the MCAA online peer-to-peer mental health mentoring program called REFERENT. Stéphanie has worked on technology based learning in an MSCA-ITN (Eduworks), on human augmentation with technology in an MSCA-IF (GLASNOST), and on European projects related to the development of Responsible Research and Innovation (Responsible-Industry, SATORI). She is regularly invited by universities and policy stakeholders to train researchers on mental health topics, supervision, and research careers.
Dr Renaud Jolivet is a Senior Lecturer in Neurophysics at the University of Geneva (Switzerland). He is currently Vice-Chair of the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) Policy Working Group. Renaud is working on neural engineering and computation projects, and leads work packages in the European projects IN-FET and GAMMA-MRI. Renaud is also an External Policy Advisor at the Initiative for Science in Europe and an elected member of the Board of Directors at the Organization for Computational Neurosciences.
Mathias Schroijen is a member of the Postgraduate Office at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). As a project leader he is responsible for the development of transferable skills training programmes and career development services for researchers. Mathias has a research background in health psychology and is currently finalizing his PhD in respiratory psychophysiology (KU Leuven). Besides his research, he focused on PhD community building at the local level (PhD Society at KU Leuven), the construction of training and career development services at the institutional level (project manager MSCA-Cofund IF@ULB) and the representation of early career researchers at the European level (secretary of Eurodoc)