Output des IDAHO-Projekts
- Kaliuzhna, N., Aydin, Z., Mueller, P., & Hauschke, C. (2025, February 7). Hurdles to Open Access publishing faced by authors: a scoping literature review from 2004 to 2023. doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/vzefj_v1
- Walsh MP, Kaliuzhna N, Mchunu N, Mostafa M, Witzig K, Alves T. Open scholarship and bibliodiversity. Information Services and Use. 2024;0(0). doi:10.1177/18758789241296760
Blog post
- Aydin, Z., Hauschke, C., Kaliuzhna, N., Niers, T., Nüst, D., Yücel, G. (2024). Open Access für alle – durch offene Metadaten und die Beseitigung von Hürden für Forschende / IDAHO and KOMET – making the long tail of Open Access more visible. TIB Blog. https://blog.tib.eu/2024/10/22/open-access-fuer-alle-durch-offene-metadaten-und-die-beseitigung-von-huerden-fuer-forschende/ (DE) / https://blog.tib.eu/2024/10/22/idaho-and-komet-making-the-long-tail-of-open-access-more-visible/ (EN)
Conference poster
- Kaliuzhna, N., Aydin, Z., & Hauschke, C. (2024). I got 82 problems. Hürden des Open-Access-Publizierens: Ergebnisse einer Literaturübersicht (2004-2023). Open-Access-Tage 2024 (OAT24), Cologne. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13747746
Conference presentation
- Kaliuzhna, N., Aydin, Z., & Hauschke, C. (2024). IDentificAtion of hurdles to open access publishing for researchers with weak institutional ties — epistemic injustice in scientific publishing. NISO Plus Baltimore 2024, Baltomore, MD, USA. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10682869