Lightning talk auf der LIS-Bibliometrics Conference

Julian Franken hielt einen lightning talk mit dem Titel "Conference quality: How is it measured now and how else could it be measured?" Auf der LIS-Bibliometrics Conference 2022 (

Abstract des Talks: While researching scientist's requirements for the ConfIDent platform, which is intended to support scientists with finding a suitable academic event, the question emerged: What does quality mean in the context of academic events like conferences? In some disciplines, for example in computer science and engineering, publication in a conference proceedings is common and more desirable than publication in a journal. This leads to the widespread use of acceptance rates or rankings as a basis for deciding whether to "publish in a conference". These metrics are often interpreted as indicators for conferences' "scientific quality". However, looking at what is really measured by these metrics the logical steps needed to arrive at this interpretation can be disputed. This lightening talk is supposed to give a short overview of the critique directed at these metrics and raise awareness about other quality dimensions of conferences that might be just as valuable to researchers as the scientific quality of a conference. The here proposed understanding of the quality term with regards to academic events was arrived at by conducting interviews, focus groups and the study of current literature on the topic.

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