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Use cases of national PID- Strategies published

Comparison guide, checklist, and use cases published for the development of national PID strategies.

Since late 2021, the Research Data Alliance (RDA) National PID Strategies Working Group has been dedicated to addressing how PIDs are considered in national policies around Open Science. The goal has been to capture common activities and efforts of national research institutions and to report on the specific applications and implementations that are adopted as part of national PID strategies.

With the end of the working group in June 2023, the results have now been published on the RDA Website. What has emerged is a comparison guide and checklist that can be used in developing a national PID strategy. This is supported by nine case studies from countries at different stages of developing a national PGD strategy. These countries include Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. The guide provides a comparison of the nine case studies, including scope, motivation, strategy development, key features, and prioritized PIDs. The use case description of Germany was prepared by the PID Network Germany project team. 

The visible and consistent adoption of PIDs brings systemic and network benefits that funders, governments, and national research communities seek to leverage by creating PGD consortia, projects, or policies (including mandates).

The Working Group will now be transformed into an Interest Group and, subject to approval, will hold its first inaugural meeting during the 21st RDA Plenary in Salzburg, Austria.

PID Network Germany will continue to be involved in this group. The goal of the project is to develop a PID roadmap for Germany based on the insights gained in the project from workshops, needs assessments, and best practices in a participatory process.

Do you have questions or suggestions regarding the use case of Germany or the project in general? Then please feel free to contact us at info.pidnetworklistserv.dfnde.