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Linking and contextualisation: The Integrated Authority File as a PID system for cultural objects in GLAM institutions

04 December 2024 | 1 pm to 4 pm

Presentation and community feedback on the newly developed e-learning modules of the “Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND)”

The ‘PID Network Germany’ project organised a seminar on ‘PIDs for cultural objects and their contexts’ on 4 December 2024. The importance of the GND (‘Gemeinsame Normdatei’) for the improvement of (meta)data quality played a central role in this event. PID systems such as the GND-ID only allow cultural objects to be labelled as standard data records in exceptional cases. This is the case when there is a corresponding higher-level referencing requirement. GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) institutions are particularly relevant here, as they can significantly increase the contextualisation potential of their collections by using GND records.

The workshop focused on the question of how the contextualisation potential of cultural objects can be increased by linking statements about the objects with corresponding GND IDs or by creating new GND datasets. Examples were used to illustrate the rich linking potential of the GND in a short presentation.

The GND contains around 10 million identifiers that can be used by both researchers and employees in cultural institutions. In order to make the most of this potential, it is crucial to have the necessary basic knowledge, particularly with regard to researching, creating, adding to and correcting GND records.

As part of the DFG project PID Network Germany, the DNB has commissioned the development and provision of accessible e-learning modules as Open Educational Resources for two specific target groups. In this seminar, the two e-learning modules were presented and there was plenty of room for questions and constructive feedback.

1st module for GND users: This module is aimed at anyone who would like to work with the GND. In a modern and interactive learning unit, it teaches the benefits of authority files and the basics of searching for GND identifiers. Participants learn how to work effectively with the data provided and the advantages of using authority files in a structured way for their research and work results.

2nd module for editors: This module prepares potential editors or users for editorial work in the GND. It covers important aspects such as the quality assurance of datasets, the correct creation of new entries and the addition and correction of existing datasets. Participants gain practical insights into the work processes and standards of the GND and are empowered to actively contribute to improving data quality.

Both modules are aimed directly at employees in galleries, museums and scientific collections, but the content can be transferred to other areas of application in research or archiving. They are freely accessible online (German only).



13:00IntroductionSteffi Genderjahn Helmholtz Open Science Office Slides: Introduction
13:10The function of the GND in the description of cultural objectsBarbara Fischer Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB)Slides

Introduction to e-learning:

Presentation of Module 1 for GND users and Module 2 for editors

Gina Drost Fischer, Knoblauch & CoSlides
14:00Independent testing of the modules (including break)
14:35Breakout session for self-testing the modulesBarbara Fischer, Gina Drost 
ab 15:15Discussion of the experiences from the sessions
Wrap up and OutlookSteffi Genderjahn