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NFDI fund basic service application for Persistent Identifier – PID4NFDI

Via Base4NFDI the "PID4NFDI" project, a basic service application to support NFDI consortia in the application, usage, and implementation of PIDs.

NFDI fund basic service application for Persistent Identifier – PID4NFDI

The Consortia Assembly of the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) Association decided in its meeting on July, 07, 2023 to fund two basic service applications.

In addition to "TS4NFDI" (Terminology Services 4 NFDI), whose goal will be to standardize and harmonize terminology management within NFDI, the application of "PID4NFDI" (Persistent Identifier Services for the German National Research Data Infrastructure) was accepted for funding.

The aim of the one-year initialization phase is to develop an NFDI-wide PID strategy that captures existing solutions and requirements of the NFDI consortia in order to lay the groundwork for further work. To accomplish this, the following work packages are planned:

  • Analysis of the NFDI PID landscape and NFDI consortia needs
  • Identification of necessary technical measures and metadata processes in order to improve the usability and integration of PID systems within NFDI
  • Development of training concepts and cook books on the use and application of PIDs within the NFDI
  • Documentation and evaluation of relevant governance, business, and licensing models of the various PID providers
  • Outreach and networking activities

The PID4NFDI work program is designed to build on etsablished PID infrastructures, experiences, and materials. Therefore, among other things, close cooperation between PID4NFDI and PID Network Germany is foreseen. This is ensured in particular by the fact that the partners DataCite, Helmholtz Open Science Office and TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and University Library are represented in both projects. PID4NFDI addresses the research data management community and can take their requirements into account in more detail, than would be possible in PID Network Germany with its broad focus on a wide variety of use cases and stakeholders. PID4NFDI thus represents an important and complementary building block to PID Network Germany.

Project partners of PID4NFDI are DataCite, the Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen (GWDG), the Helmholtz Open Science Office and TIB.

You can learn more about the project at the first NFDI Conference on Research Data Infrastructures (CoRDI), which will take place in Karlsruhe, Germany, September 12 to 14, 2023. Our colleague Antonia Schrader will refer to the projects in this context in her presentation "Isn't a number and an URL enough? Why PIDs matter and technical solutions alone are not sufficient." on September 14 at 10:30 am.

If you have any questions or suggestions about PID4NFDI, please feel free to contact info.pidnetworklistserv.dfnde or section-infra-wg-pidlists.nfdide.

From now on, we will keep you informed about the developments in PID4NFDI via our PID Network channels.