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Just published: Paper on B!SON in IJDL

The project publication "Comparing different search methods for the open access journal recommendation tool B!SON" has been published Open Access in the International Journal of Digital Libraries.

The publication compares various methods for determining the similarity of scientific articles that are suitable for use in the B!SON recommendation system , some of which are already in use. The paper is a long version of the short paper B!SON: A Tool for Open Access Journal Recommendation presented by B!SON devloper Elias Entrup at the Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries 2022 conference in Padua, Italy.

Entrup, E., Eppelin, A., Ewerth, R., Hartwig, J., Tullney, M., Wohlgemuth, M. & Hoppe, A. (2023). Comparing different search methods for the open access journal recommendation tool B!SON. International Journal on Digital Libraries.