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Albrecht Haupt – Lecture on the occasion of the 170th birthday of the architect

Prof. Dr. Markus Jager speaks on the architectural work of Albrecht Haupt

Tuesday, 22 March 2022, 18:00 to 19:30

Historical lecture hall in the chemistry building of the LUH

(Callinstraße 9, Eingang West, 2. OG)

The life and work of the architect Albrecht Haupt will be the topic of the German-language  lecture „Albrecht Haupt (1852-1932) – Lecture on the 170th birthday of the architect, university lecturer, collector and BDA founder“ by Prof. Dr. Markus Jager from the Institute for History and Theory of Architecture on 22 March 2022.

The lecture will look at the extensive work of the architect, scientist, preservationist and building historian in all its scope. Albrecht Haupt not only designed mansions, commercial buildings and castles, but also restored numerous historic buildings, including the Leibnizhaus in Hannover, the town church in Bückeburg and the Stiftskirche in Fischbeck.

Architect, university teacher and cemetery reformer

In addition, Haupt was one of the most important cemetery reformers of his time around 1900: He was committed to the introduction of cremation, built Hannover's first cremation grove and designed pioneering projects for crematoria and necropolises. In addition, he was active for decades as a university lecturer and scientist. Since 1880 he taught at the TH Hannover and influenced several generations of architects.

He also researched and published on various topics of architectural history, with a special focus on German Renaissance architecture. Another lasting achievement of Albrecht Haupt: He wrote the first book on Portuguese Renaissance architecture in German. But he also made important contributions to the profession of architecture: He was among the founders of the Association of German Architects (BDA) and was even its first president.

The lecture will begin at 18:00 on 22 March 2022 and will take place in the Historical Lecture Hall of the Chemistry Building (Callinstraße 9, West Entrance, 2nd Floor). After the approximately 60-minute lecture, there will be plenty of time for discussion and questions from the audience. The event will be held under the Corona regulations effective from 20 March 2022.

Registration for the lecture is required by March 15, 2022 at:

When: 22 March 2022, 18:00 to 19:30

Where: Historical lecture hall in the chemistry building of the LUH